Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Revolution

This year's theme is 'The Revolution' ... this means transforming the idea of 'the diabled need to be protected' to 'Challenged Athletes need the means to be professional athletes.'
Each of us was given a sponsored athlete to ride for. My athlete is named Chuck.
This is his motto:  " the brick walls aren't there to keep you out. The brick walls are there to keep out the other people who don't want it as bad as you."
Chuck was born with a genetic disorder that made it impossible to him to feel from his elbows to the end of his arms and from his knees to the end of his feet. As a young boy he damaged his legs and growth plates so badly that by the time he was 14 he was confined to a wheelchair. However he was an athletic and competitive young man. He initially played wheelchair basketball but became more attracted to the rough-and-tumble wheelchair rugby. At 21 he was a member of the US paralympic team for adaptive rugby and was again a paralympian in Rio where the team won silver for adaptive rugby. CAF played an important role in Chucks success. CAF supports 40% of the US paralympic team. They have few other sponsors or public support or admiration. Peter and I are so proud to be assisting the mission of CAF and thank you for your support as well!!!

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